AGC Members Teach GSA

Second Reverse Industry Day with GSA This Year
AGC partnered with General Services Administration headquarters to bring the construction industry’s prospective directly to GSA on a national level. Coming off the heels of a successful reverse industry day earlier this year, AGC members presented the industry’s point of view to members of GSA’s acquisition and contracting workforce from around the country. GSA also benefited from the conversation as AGC members explained the importance of early communication, gave incites on the type of information that the industry seeks, and the value associated with certain types of GSA engagements (e.g. RFIs, one-on-ones, industry days). AGC members also spoke about how different factors might influence the decision towards either bidding or not bidding (e.g., costs of competition, risks, acquisition strategy, past acquisition practices of customer, competitive analysis, etc.), and discussed market conditions that are and will affect the construction industry.
AGC frequently engages in training sessions with federal agencies and remains fully dedicated to continuing to educate those in the federal government on the construction process.
For more information, contact Jordan Howard at [email protected] or (703) 837-5368.

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