AGC Joins Effort to End Surprise Medical Bills

Surprise medical billing is a growing issue where patients face unexpected charges after they receive medical care. Despite the partisanship in Washington, there are growing bipartisan calls in Congress and by President Trump to end surprise billing, making it one of the few potential legislative accomplishments this Congress. On June 5, AGC joined a broad group of organizations in a urging Senate leaders to prioritize needed reforms to resolve surprise medical billing. AGC supports a legislative solution because surprise bills can create hardship for employees’ financial well-being and lost productivity fighting the bills.

AGC believes priorities for a legislative framework must protect patients without discouraging network participation or resulting in higher health care costs for all consumers. Legislation should also reject binding arbitration as a means of resolving surprise medical billing.

For more information, contact Jim Young at [email protected] or (202) 547-0133.

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