Tell Congress to Act on a Robust Highway & Transit Bill


Congress has taken a major, first step to ensuring a well-funded surface transportation infrastructure reauthorization is in place before the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act expires on September 30, 2020. Tell your federal legislators to act on reauthorization and increase investment in our nation’s surface transportation infrastructure programs.

Recently, the Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works passed the America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act which dedicates a record $287 billion over five years to federal highway and bridge infrastructure. Although the legislation does not provide a permanent funding fix for the Highway Trust Fund, bipartisan leaders in the Senate are committed to paying for the bill through user fees.

Now is the time for other Senate committees and the House of Representatives to follow the lead of the Environment & Public Works Committee.

Taking action is easy. Simply submit the pre-written message as is to your Representative and Senators or customize them with personal information on how this issue impacts you and your company.

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