DERA Reauthorization Voted Out of Senate Committee

The Senate Environment & Public Works Committee approved AGC-supported bipartisan legislation to reauthorize the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) through fiscal year 2022 at its current funding level of $50 million. Similar bipartisan legislation has also been introduced in the House but has yet to see committee action.
AGC has continually fought to keep the diesel retrofit grants made available through DERA flowing to equipment owners since 2008 – the inaugural year of funding for the DERA program. Since 2008, the Environmental Protection Agency has awarded funds to over 690 projects to reduce diesel emissions nationwide.
AGC and our coalition partners will continue to push for a long-term reauthorization of DERA, while also urging Congress to fund the program at their authorized levels.
For more information, contact Sean O’Neill at oneills@org or (202) 537-8892.

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