EPA Has Issued a New Stormwater Permit; AGC Has You Covered

The permit serves as model for state permits and directly applies in ID, MA, NH, NM, DC, as well as US territories and Indian lands.
AGC will host a free WebEd on EPA’s new Construction General Permit for stormwater discharges on Wednesday, March 1, 2017, from 1:30 to 3:00 Eastern Time.  To register, click here.  During this hour-and-a-half program, EPA’s point person for the construction stormwater program will provide an overview of the 2017 CGP and new electronic filing requirements.  The Chair of AGC’s Environmental Forum Steering Committee will lead a moderated Q&A session to address specific concerns for contractors.  And AGC will share available SWPPP templates and other helpful resources.
For more information on the WebEd and to register, click here.  Please also read AGC’s in-depth article about the new permit.

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