FHWA Releases Workforce Playbook Results at AGC Convention

Industry/Government Pilots Highlighted

On Apr. 3, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) used AGC’s 100th Convention as the venue to release “A Playbook to Build Tomorrow's Highway Construction Workforce,” which highlights successful practices from around the country to identify, train and place job seekers into the construction workforce. FHWA, state departments of transportation and local departments of labor funded workforce development boards with AGC chapters for the past two years in twelve pilots on a highway construction worker development program. The idea grew out of discussions at the AASHTO-AGC-ARTBA Joint Committee. The pilots focused on efforts that are currently underway in the local areas and identified what has worked and what has not. A panel that included Arizona AGC, Colorado Contractors Association (AGC) and AGC’s Wyoming Contractors Association discussed what happened in their locales. FHWA has developed a “#Roads to Your Future” website that captures the results and the “Playbook” is intended to help other areas of the country to implement their own coordinated highway construction worker development programs.

For more information, contact Brian Deery at [email protected]

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