House Appropriations Committee Chairman Tom Cole (R-Okla.) joins AGC for a project tour to learn about the issues impacting the industry.
On Thursday, October 3, the Oklahoma Municipal Contractors Association and AGC of America led Representative Tom Cole (R-Okla.) on a tour of Lawton, Oklahoma’s Cache Road Waterline Replacement Project. The project is led by AGC member Cimarron Construction Company. When completed, it will replace and connect main water lines in downtown Lawton while adding safe pedestrian crossings.
The construction site tour provided AGC with an opportunity to discuss the benefits of the federally funded State Revolving Funds, which are used to finance water projects such as this one, with Representative Cole. AGC staff also highlighted additional challenges facing the construction industry, such as work zone safety.
In addition to Congressman Cole, various dignitaries from Lawton also attended the tour, including the city’s mayor. AGC thanks Representative Cole for attending and the Oklahoma Municipal Contractors Association for their help in setting this up.
For more information, please contact John Chambers.
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