House Democrats Release Surface Transportation Reauthorization Legislation

Contains Significant Increased Funding, Problematic New Programmatic and Regulatory Requirements

On June 3, House Democrats unveiled a new surface transportation bill, the INVEST in America Act, that, among other things, includes a significant increase in federal investments in roads, bridges, transit, and rail systems. These new funds would provide a needed boost to construction employment in many parts of the country and support a broader economic recovery. AGC is concerned, however, that new programmatic and regulatory requirements also included in the bill could undermine some of its potential economic benefits. With over 40 million people unemployed and construction jobs declining in most metro areas, Congress must ensure that new, sustainable investments bring as many people back to work as possible to help improve our aging surface transportation systems. AGC urges Congressional leaders to work in a broad, bipartisan manner to pass a measure that expands highway capacity, improves bridges, builds transit and rail systems, and supports long-term economic growth before the FAST Act expires on September 30, 2020. Click here for AGC’s initial summary of the legislation.

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