House Passes Defense Bill

AGC Scores Legislative Victories for Military Construction.

On December 13, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY 2025. The NDAA is expected to pass the Senate next week, with the President signing it into law shortly after. Like every year, AGC urged Congress to support provisions that will positively impact the construction industry and to block those that will be harmful.

Among others, AGC successfully advocated for:

  • Prohibiting defense contractors from reporting on greenhouse gas emissions;
  • Providing increased authority to include economic price adjustment in contracts and options; and
  • Rejecting new and onerous subcontracting reporting requirements.

Of note to some AGC members, Sec. 1709 of the NDAA seeks to restrict DJI Technologies and Autel Robotics from selling new drones. Unless a national agency determines within a year that these drones do not pose an unacceptable national security list then these entities would be automatically added to the FCC's “covered list.” Congress has passed the NDAA for more than 60 consecutive years and it is considered must-pass legislation.   

For more information, contact Jordan Howard.

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