House Passes Military Construction Funding Bill

The funding bill provides Relief from inflation for Federal Construction.

On June 5, the U.S. House of Representatives passed its first of twelve appropriations bills that funds the federal government. The House passed the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs appropriations bill that provides roughly $17.9 billion for military construction and family housing and $1.4 billion for major and minor VA construction. Included in the House appropriations bill, is the AGC-backed bipartisan amendment from Rep. Ann Wagner (R-Mo.) and Rep. Nikki Budzinski (D-Ill.) that provides $200,000,000 for inflation relief for unanticipated inflation-related costs incurred during March 13, 2020, to May 11, 2023, for firm fixed price military construction projects. AGC has previously reported on our frustration with the lack of funding to combat inflation on federal construction projects. AGC will continue to advocate for inclusion of this, and other relief in the final appropriation bill.

While the Senate is considered more bipartisan in spending levels and policies, they have yet to pass any appropriations bills on the floor. Lawmakers will need to agree to and pass all twelve appropriations bills by September 30, or else pass a continuing resolution that buys time on some or all of the appropriations.

For more information, contact Jordan Howard.

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