Former Vice President Joe Biden’s labor policy initiatives would advance the largest pro-organized labor agenda in three generations by expanding union membership, increasing union rights and easing restrictions on union organizing. These policies would be advanced through the candidate’s infrastructure investment plan and environmental initiatives. The centerpiece of the Biden agenda includes the PRO Act and a cabinet level working group on union organizing.
The PRO Act is an unprecedented attempt to fundamentally change dozens of well-established labor laws to assist organized labor without regard to their detrimental impact on workers, employers—union and open-shop—and the economy. Among the dozens of labor law changes, the bill would: allow for back door card check and thus the coercion of employees to join unions against their conscious; “Quickie Elections” to allow for accelerated union representation elections and thereby limit employers ability to communicate the virtues of joining or not joining a union; permits secondary boycotts where union contractors would lose the
ability to limit labor disruptions among subcontractors; personal liability for company officers and directors for unfair labor practice charges; mandatory arbitration for contracts after union support established; expansive California independent contractor test; and repeal state right-to-work laws.