Treasury Releases Regulations on Pass-Through Deduction (199A)
On Wednesday, Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released an important proposed regulation stemming from passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The Act included a new deduction, Section 199A, which provided a 20 percent deduction off the qualified business income for most pass-through businesses, such as partnerships, S-Corporations, or LLC’s, with certain restrictions. The deduction reduced the disparity between tax rates in the Act, where C-Corporations are now taxed at a 21 percent rate, while pass-through businesses are taxed at the individual rates, up to a top 37 percent marginal rate.
The proposed regulations answer many questions that AGC had about how the deduction will work in practice for many construction firms, and request comment on others; we are still evaluating. The proposed regulation allows for a 45 day comment period, and Treasury has scheduled a public hearing on October 16. AGC will be filing comments.
For more information, contact Matthew Turkstra at [email protected] or (202) 547-4733.
Career and Technical Education Reform Signed into Law
New Opportunities for Employers
On July 31, the president signed the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act into law. This bill reauthorizes the Perkins Act, which provides over $1 billion to the states to fund career and technical education for secondary and post-secondary programs. Among the law’s changes are the relationships between the states and Department of Education and how educators consult with stakeholders, such as employers.
With a greater emphasis on employer input on labor shortages and in-demand skills an AGC coalition has provided a list of provisions of interest to employers. The document also provides opportunities for employers that engage with their educators on how federal funds are spent locally. AGC is encouraged that the law will have meaningful results because local educators will be forced to consult and work with local employers. AGC will continue to monitor implementation of the law and evaluate opportunities for employers.
For more information, contact Jim Young at [email protected] or (202) 547-0133.
Highway, Transportation and Utility Construction Conference Highlights Key Market Issues
New Issue Added – Improving Your Company’s Productivity
The major issues that will impact contractors involved in the highway, transportation and utility construction markets will be addressed as part of the Joint Contractors Conference scheduled for September 29-October 1, 2018 in Crystal City, Virginia (DC area). Newly added to the conference agenda: Data Analysis in Heavy Construction: Improving Production, Equipment Utilization, and Safety & Health. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao has also been invited to discuss President Trump’s infrastructure and regulatory reform agenda.
For more information, contact Brian Deery at [email protected] or (703) 837-5319.
Urge Support for House Transportation Committee Infrastructure Plan
On July 23, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman Bill Shuster released a discussion draft to make significant investments in our nation's infrastructure. Whether or not this proposal is successful depends upon you, and other construction industry professionals, collectively calling upon your federally elected officials to put partisanship aside and do what is right for our nation. Contact your U.S. representative so that they can hear YOUR voice and understand that investing in and improving our nation’s infrastructure helps America prosper.
The plan calls for investing a significant sum in America's aging and over-burdened infrastructure, streamlining the federal environmental permit and review processes to help deliver needed projects faster, calling for long-term solutions to funding existing federal infrastructure programs, including the Highway Trust Fund and the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund.
For more information, contact Sean O’Neill at [email protected] or (202) 547-8892.
AGC Working to Fix the Hours of Service Rule
We Need your Help: Contact your Representative
AGC is working in support of the HOURS Act, which would expand the logging exemption for short haul drivers from 100 to 150 miles, expand the on-duty time to 14 hours and eliminate the 30-minute rest requirement. Certain paperwork requirements would also be eased and the Federal Motor Carrier Administration (FMCSA) would be encouraged to move expeditiously to finalize a rule on the use of sleeper berth to meet off-duty provisions. AGC is urging members to contact their Congressional representative through AGC’s Legislative Action Center.
AGC maintains that construction industry truck drivers were never intended to be covered by FMCSA’s hours of service (HOS) restrictions, which were originally aimed at long-haul, cross-country drivers. However, many construction drivers are impacted. The problem has become more pronounced as a result of the recent requirement that drivers must use Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) to record their on-duty times.
While a variety of exemptions have been granted to segments of the construction industry – such as asphalt and ready mix delivery and certain trucks used in paving operations – these are limited and cause confusion. AGC will continue to work for a broader construction industry exemption but supports this legislation as a first step to freeing a vast number of construction drivers from hours-of-service logging requirements.
For more information, contact Brian Deery at [email protected] or (703) 837-5319.
Your Help is Needed to Support Immigration Reform
Contact your Members of Congress
Prior to the Congressional summer break, the Workforce for an Expanding Economy Act was introduced in the House to fill the visa gap for year-round less-skilled and middle-skilled construction workers. Current law allows legal immigration for high tech, agriculture and seasonal worker but there is no dedicated visa for typical construction occupations. AGC views the legislation as a complement to its efforts to help address the industry’s worker shortages as well as a critical ingredient for immigration reform. Please contact your federal legislators through the AGC Legislative Action Center.
The bill creates a market-driven visa program that would match employers with potential immigrant laborers by creating temporary visas for guest workers if local market conditions warrant and U.S. workers cannot be found. The program would have an annual cap and would fluctuate based on demand, with a number of wage and labor protections to further protect American workers.
For more information, contact Jim Young at [email protected] or (202) 547-0133.
Advanced Safety Management Training Course
October 17-19 in Arlington, VA, Just a Few Seats Left!
This unique three–day course provides construction safety and health professionals with the next–level knowledge required to successfully manage a company–wide safety program. Moving beyond the basics of Focus Four training, AGC’s Advanced Safety Management Training Program will give participants a more holistic view of safety’s role in project and company success, as well as advanced tactics and best practices for managing all aspects of a corporate safety program. Participants will also focus on the importance of "selling" safety throughout the organization and methods to generate buy–in from different audiences. Full details on the course and links to registration can be found here.
Join Us at the Next AGC/CFMA Construction Financial Management Conference
Early Bird Rate Ends August 17
Jointly sponsored by AGC and CFMA, the 22nd Annual AGC/CFMA Construction Financial Management Conference will be held Oct. 24-26 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. This three-day conference offers programs and workshops designed specifically for financial professionals in the construction industry. The 34 interactive sessions will cover the latest industry issues and their financial implications. Participants may earn up to 20 continuing professional education (CPE) credits.
Register Now for the 2018 AGC Construction HR and Training Professionals Conference
Early Bird Rate End August 14
Each October, construction industry professionals in HR, training and workforce development gear up for the industry’s premier learning and networking event, AGC’s Construction HR & Training Professionals Conference, and this year is no different. The 2018 event will be held October 10-12, at The Worthington Renaissance Forth Worth Hotel, in Fort Worth, TX.
AGC's “HR/TED Conference” provides two days of education and networking for HR, training, and workforce development professionals in the construction industry. Educational sessions for training professionals cover the most cutting-edge techniques in training and development currently in use and envisioned for the future in the industry. The HR sessions help HR professionals in the industry remain up to date and compliant with employment laws and best practices. Some sessions interest both HR and training professionals alike.
This year’s Conference will kick-off on the afternoon of Oct. 10 with a pre-conference Federal Construction HR Workshop. Designed to help staff responsible for compliance on federal and federally assisted projects, the workshop provides practical information and best-practice advice from experts and peers experienced in the area.
Showcase Your Company’s Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion
Apply for AGC’s Diversity & Inclusion Awards by October 15
AGC of America is now accepting applications for its 2019 AGC Diversity & Inclusion Awards program. AGC will present a total of six awards in three award categories: 1) Diverse Business of the Year, 2) Diversity & Inclusion Excellence Awards, and 3) Chapter Diversity & Inclusion Award. These awards seek to raise awareness of the value that a diverse workforce and inclusive environment brings to a company by spotlighting diversity and inclusion champions within AGC. By recognizing these diversity and inclusion champions, AGC hopes to inspire other AGC member-companies to engage in activities that will promote diversity and inclusion both within the Association and the industry.
AGC member companies and chapters in good standing who meet the competition requirements are encouraged to apply online for some much-deserved recognition. Apply by October 15, 2018. Learn more about AGC of America’s Diversity & Inclusion Awards program at
For more information, contact Brynn Huneke at [email protected] or (703) 837-5376.