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Rep. Shuster Releases Highway Trust Fund/Infrastructure Proposal

Urge Congress to Take Action on Infrastructure
House Transportation and infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) released a Republican "discussion draft" for addressing the nation's infrastructure needs and, in particular, fixing the long term health of the Highway Trust Fund. Some of the ideas have come from existing proposals from the administration's infrastructure plan as well as members of Congress from both parties. Many of the plan’s elements have long-been supported by AGC. To help build support for the Shuster plan, please contact your Representative and ask them to support Chairman Shuster’s effort and act on an infrastructure bill.
Shuster said the intent of the proposal is to reignite the infrastructure conversation with the hope that infrastructure legislation will be released in the next Congress. Shuster is retiring from Congress at the end of this year. A summary of the plan’s details can be found here.
For more information, contact Brian Deery at [email protected] or (703) 837-5319.

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AGC’s Newest Podcast Episode Features Rep. Sam Graves

Discusses Funding Options for the Highway Trust Fund
In this edition of the ConstructorCast, Chairman Sam Graves (R-Mo.) provides information on what the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit will be working on for the rest of the year. Graves explains the funding issue with the Highway Trust Fund and possible solutions.

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Join Us at the Next AGC/CFMA Construction Financial Management Conference

Jointly sponsored by AGC and CFMA, the 22nd Annual AGC/CFMA Construction Financial Management Conference will be held Oct. 24-26 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. This three-day conference offers programs and workshops designed specifically for financial professionals in the construction industry. The 34 interactive sessions will cover the latest industry issues and their financial implications. Participants may earn up to 20 continuing professional education (CPE) credits.

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Learn about Environmental Risks throughout the Project Lifecycle at AGC’s Construction Environmental Conference

Join us on September 12-13 in Crystal City, Virginia
AGC’s 2018 Construction Environmental Conference (CEC) homes in on the most critical environmental compliance and risk issues impacting the business of construction.  Whether your goal is to maintain an excellent compliance record, keep abreast of key developments, or increase your understanding of how environmental risks affect your projects — AGC’s CEC is the conference for you.
Explore these environmental risk sessions at AGC’s 2018 CEC:

  • Identifying, Avoiding, Mitigating, and Insuring Environmental Risk in Construction - Panel speakers will present risk assessment and identification from a jobsite perspective, risk allocation such as contract shifting clauses and management strategies, risk transfer such as avoidance of pollution liability and insurance products available.

  • Environmental Compliance for Hazardous Materials on a Public Private Partnership Project: CDOT Central 70 - Using the Colorado Department of Transportation Central 70 project as a backdrop, this panel will share owner and contractor perspectives related to management of hazardous materials during the procurement, kickoff, and construction phases of the project.

  • Examine Redevelopment Opportunities and Risk – Learn about recent changes to policy related to Superfund/Brownfields sites as well as the potential hazards in the reuse and redevelopment of those sites, such as vapor intrusion.

  • Tips on How to Avoid Environmental Enforcement Actions - Hear from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, an attorney and a general contractor about “true story” construction related enforcement cases and best practices on how to avoid them. Learn about US EPA’s Audit Policy and eDisclosure portal.
Check out more sessions online and reserve your seat today for AGC's 2018 Construction Environmental Conference!

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Advanced Safety Management Training Course

October 17-19 in Arlington, VA, 18 Seats Left!
This unique three–day course provides construction safety and health professionals with the next–level knowledge required to successfully manage a company–wide safety program. Moving beyond the basics of Focus Four training, AGC’s Advanced Safety Management Training Program will give participants a more holistic view of safety’s role in project and company success, as well as advanced tactics and best practices for managing all aspects of a corporate safety program. Participants will also focus on the importance of "selling" safety throughout the organization and methods to generate buy–in from different audiences. Full details on the course and links to registration can be found here.

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2018 AGC Summer Safety & Health Conference

July 25-27 in Indianapolis, IN
There is still time to join us in Indianapolis, Indiana July 25-27, 2018, for the AGC Safety & Health Conference. Hear the latest on the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) enforcement of existing regulations, like the silica rule, and potential changes to the cranes and derricks in construction rule, among others. Other highlights include a discussion on safety from Rudy Ruettiger of Notre Dame Football lore, the latest trends in safety management from Dodge Data and Analytics and how video game apps can help supplement safety training to help drive behavioral change. Full details on the Conference and links to registration and the hotel room block can be found here.

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Labor Department Rescinds “Persuader Rule”

The U.S. Department of Labor has published a final rule rescinding the controversial “Persuader Rule” issued under Pres. Obama.  This is a victory for AGC and others who opposed the regulation and urged the Trump administration to rescind it.
The Persuader Rule sought to expand the reporting obligations of labor relations consultants (broadly defined) who conduct activities to persuade employees about their rights to join a union or bargain collectively, as well as the reporting obligations of employers who receive assistance from such consultants.  It required disclosure of sensitive financial information and other details of the business arrangement, even when the consultant neither communicates directly with employees nor drafts such communications.
The Persuader Rule was expected to have a substantial chilling effect on employers’ willingness and ability to seek needed advice from labor experts, but it never took effect due to a court injunction.  The reporting standards in effect before the rule – requiring reporting only when consultants directly communicate with employees – have remained in effect and will continue going forward.  The present rescission puts the final nail in the coffin for the Persuader Rule…at least until a future administration decides to exhume it.
For more information, contact Denise Gold at [email protected]  or (703) 837-5326.

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President Signs Workforce Executive Order

AGC Participates in White House Event to Sign Job Training Pledge
President Trump signed an Executive Order today that establishes the President’s National Council for the America Worker. The council will help develop a national strategy for job training programs which will help streamline and make existing programs more efficient and focusing them on employment outcomes, improve data collection and transparency on program effectiveness and a campaign highlighting in demand careers. The Executive Order will form an advisory board of private sector and government representatives to help ensure the programs being taught in classrooms and workplaces are needed. It also included a pledge by companies and association to educate, train and upskill workers through apprenticeships and on-the-job training. AGC was among organizations signing the pledge through our existing AGC chapter training programs, AGC of America safety training and other AGC of America training programs.
For more information, contact Jim Young at [email protected] or (202) 547-0133.

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Senate Committee Defends AGC-Supported Water Infrastructure Bill

On July 11, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held a hearing in which both Republicans and Democrats expressed support infrastructure improvements. Senators heard testimony from witnesses about the benefits of the Transportation Infrastructure and Innovation Act (TIFIA) and the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) programs – both of which provide long-term, low-cost financing to regionally and nationally significant transportation and water projects respectively. Of particular interest is the overwhelming support from senators and stakeholders in regards to the “Securing Required Funding for Water Infrastructure Now (SRF WIN) Act,” which AGC worked to get included in the committee-passed “America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018”.
The SRF WIN Act provides a streamlined path for Drinking and Clean Water State Revolving Funds to access the low-interest funding offered through WIFIA, resulting in states having a more efficient and economically-attractive alternative to the private bond market and, subsequently, allow the SRFs to fund more projects.
The SRF WIN has received unfounded criticism from some private water utility groups but, if this hearing is any indication, the bill enjoys broad bipartisan support. The Senate has not identified when the “America’s Water Infrastructure Act” will be considered. In the meantime, AGC continues to work to ensure SRF WIN remains in the bill.
For more information, contact Sean O’Neill at [email protected] or (202) 547-8892.

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Learn about Environmental Risks throughout the Project Lifecycle at AGC’s Construction Environmental Conference

Join us on September 12-13 in Crystal City, Virginia
AGC’s 2018 Construction Environmental Conference (CEC) homes in on the most critical environmental compliance and risk issues impacting the business of construction. Whether your goal is to maintain an excellent compliance record, keep abreast of key developments, or increase your understanding of how environmental risks affect your projects — AGC’s CEC is the conference for you.
Explore these environmental risk sessions at AGC’s 2018 CEC:

  • Identifying, Avoiding, Mitigating, and Insuring Environmental Risk in Construction - Panel speakers will present risk assessment and identification from a jobsite perspective, risk allocation such as contract shifting clauses and management strategies, risk transfer such as avoidance of pollution liability and insurance products available.

  • Environmental Compliance for Hazardous Materials on a Public Private Partnership Project: CDOT Central 70 - Using the Colorado Department of Transportation Central 70 project as a backdrop, this panel will share owner and contractor perspectives related to management of hazardous materials during the procurement, kickoff, and construction phases of the project.

  • Examine Redevelopment Opportunities and Risk – Learn about recent changes to policy related to Superfund/Brownfields sites as well as the potential hazards in the reuse and redevelopment of those sites, such as vapor intrusion.

  • Tips on How to Avoid Environmental Enforcement Actions - Hear from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, an attorney and a general contractor about “true story” construction related enforcement cases and best practices on how to avoid them. Learn about US EPA’s Audit Policy and eDisclosure portal.
Check out more sessions online and reserve your seat today for AGC's 2018 Construction Environmental Conference!

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