On July 20, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will hold an Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health (ACCSH) meeting to consider a proposed rule extending the enforcement date for crane operator certification for one year – to Nov. 10, 2018. The proposal also extends existing requirements for employers to ensure that crane operators are trained and competent to operate the equipment safely.
OSHA has determined that two of the four organizations that offer third-party certifications have programs that do not meet the “type AND capacity” requirements currently contained within the standards. These organizations currently offer certification by type but not by capacity. Operators in possession of this certification would be deemed “noncompliant” according to the agency. To address the potential disruption and uncertainty this interpretation has caused, OSHA has proposed to extend the compliance and enforcement date by another year. In Sept. 2014, OSHA issued a similar extension for crane operator certification requirements and employer requirements for operator training and competency by three years to Nov. 10, 2017.
The meeting will be held by teleconference only and is open to the public. The tentative meeting agenda topics include:
- Presentation on OSHA’s proposed rule to extend the enforcement date for the crane operator certification requirements and the existing employer duty in the Cranes and Derricks in Construction standards.
- ACCSH’s consideration of, and recommendation on, OSHA’s Proposed Rule to extend the enforcement date for the crane operator certification requirements and the existing employer duty in the Cranes and Derricks standards.
- Public comment period
AGC is a member of ACCSH and supports the proposed extension to allow OSHA to address the “type AND capacity” issue while also addressing operator qualification. However, we believe the agency should allow contractors the flexibility to qualify operators under a performance standard. To participate in the meeting, the dial-in number is 1 (888) 604-9368 and the passcode is 8521818. AGC will continue to monitor the status of any further updates on the rule as they become available.
For more information, contact Kevin Cannon at [email protected] or (703) 837-5410.
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