Political Snippets 10.15.21
Listed below are political snippets on congressional, gubernatorial and local races the country. Enjoy!
Read moreBass for Mayor; Redistricting Update
In CA-37 reports were surfacing last week that California Rep. Karen Bass (D-Los Angeles), who had been on candidate Joe Biden’s short list for the Vice Presidential nomination, was deciding whether to eschew re-election next year for a chance to run for LA Mayor.
Read moreSen. Grassley to Seek Re-Election
Saying he “…has a lot more to do for Iowa,” seven-term Senator Chuck Grassley (R) on Friday announced that he will run for an eighth term next year.
Read moreTexans Planning Moves
The Texas congressional map was unveiled in the state Senate last week, and already many incumbents and challengers are making or announcing political plans based upon what they are seeing…but this congressional plan is a long way from enactment.
Read morePolitical Snippets 10.4.21
Listed below are political snippets on congressional, gubernatorial and local races the country. Enjoy!
Read morePolitical Snippets 9.10.21
Listed below are political snippets on congressional and gubernatorial races the country. Enjoy!
Read moreSununu Up 8
The St. Anselm College’s New Hampshire Institute of Politics poll was released at the of August (8/24-26; 1,855 NH registered voters; online; weighted responses), and it contains good news for three-term Granite State Governor Chris Sununu (R).
Read moreThe Tennessee Rumor
Unconfirmed stories from Democratic sources are flying around the Internet suggesting that the Tennessee Republican state legislative leadership is in the process of drawing a new congressional map that would shred Rep. Jim Cooper’s (D-Nashville) seat and convert the current 7R-2D map into 8R-1D.
Read moreColorado's Second Map
After a round of public redistricting hearings, the staff for the Colorado Independent Redistricting Commission released the second iteration of the state’s new 8-seat congressional map.
Read moreGerrymandering Wars Ignited
In the past two days, Democratic leaders and news sources in two states, New York and Illinois, are suggesting that the party redistricting strategists will attempt to maximize Democratic US House gains.
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