PAC Member News

A Look at Last Week’s Primary Results

Voters in Georgia, Nevada, North Dakota, South Carolina, West Virginia and Virginia chose nominees last week.

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The Georgia Senate Race: Perdue vs. Ossoff

Documentary film maker and former congressional candidate Jon Ossoff has secured the Democratic US Senate nomination with just over 52% of the statewide vote.

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The Senate Barometer

Next to discussion of the presidential race, the political contests attracting the most political attention and debate are the 2020 US Senate campaigns.

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Election Turnout During a Pandemic

In most political campaigns, the final electoral result is determined not necessarily from transforming undecided individuals into positive votes, but rather ensuring that the candidate’s committed supporters actually cast their ballot. Therefore, accurately projecting and influencing voter turnout becomes critical for every campaign.

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General Election Match Ups

The June 2 primary featured 10 states, and now the candidates are set for November. Below is a recap of the races from Tuesday’s primary that project as competitive this Fall, and an early prognosis for each.

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Super Junesday - A Look at Tuesday’s Primary Results

Ten entities held primary elections Tuesday, and among the voting results we saw a second US Congressman being denied re-nomination, as well as two primary victors who have virtually secured their seats in the next Congress.

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Should Minnesota be Considered a Swing State?

Most of this year’s political attention will be focused on the presidential election’s top tier states of Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin, but a second-tier domain could also become a political player, at least according to a new poll.

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Arizona Polling Appears Inconclusive

We saw a polling bonanza released yesterday in the swing battleground state of Arizona and, no matter who you support or what you believe, there is survey data for you.

Three pollsters released results that tested the presidential race and the Arizona Senate contest between appointed Sen. Martha McSally* (R) and retired astronaut Mark Kelly (D). The three pollsters, all conducting their surveys within the June 26-29 period, gave us starkly different ballot test conclusions.

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Snippets from Around the Country

Arizona Poll: In the middle of May, OH Predictive Insights (5/9-11; 600 AZ likely general election voters) released their Arizona statewide survey that received considerable attention in the political pundit community due to the Grand Canyon State’s importance in the presidential campaign. With its 11 electoral votes, Arizona is a must-win state for the Trump campaign. The OH poll found former Vice President Joe Biden leading 50-43%, his largest margin to date, but little in the way of analysis accompanied the poll release.

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The Open Senate Seat in Kansas

The open Kansas Senate race is more interesting this year than typical for what is normally a safe Republican state; in fact, it is becoming one of the most intriguing races in the country.

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