Sam Graves Set to Keep Top Spot on Transportation Committee

House Steering Committee Approves Waiver Request for Graves to Stay on as Chairman of House Transportation Committee.

This week the House Steering Committee approved current House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Sam Graves’ (R-Mo.) request for a waiver to retain his position leading that committee.

House Republican rules only allow someone to lead a committee for three consecutive terms, which meant Congressman Sam Graves needed approval from the House Steering Committee to serve another term. AGC previously reported on this race, and others of note to the construction industry, that were being decided by the House Steering Committee.

So, what is next? The House Steering Committee will now decide who should formally chair the committee, Congressman Sam Graves or Congressman Rick Crawford (R-Ark.). However, with the approval of the waiver, it appears likely that Mr. Graves will once again chair the committee.

For additional information, please contact Alex Etchen.

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