Inflation Reduction Act Energy Credits - Opportunities and Challenges for Contractors

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) created game-changing opportunities for many projects to capitalize on the largest energy investment in U.S. history through tax credits.

Complying with prevailing wage and apprenticeship (PW&A) under the IRA can significantly enhance credit value by five times, and therefore many project owners are asking contractors to comply.

It took nearly two years for the prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirement final rule, leaving many contractors in a state of flux as project owners are pushing penalties and/or loss of credit to contractors. Yet, this also is a perfect opportunity for contractors to take advantage of the boom of projects seeking energy credits.

Unfortunately, being “in accordance with” Davis-Bacon but not a covered act has created significant confusion for contractors. This is tax credit compliance for the IRS, and there are record-keeping requirements for an extended period of time. Baker Tilly will review fundamentals of the IRA base and adder credits, including domestic content, energy community, and prevailing wage.

This session will review the final PW&A rule, explain recordkeeping, and provide recommendations on how contractors can help their projects comply.

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