Your Industry’s Voice in DC

The Associated General Contractors of America Political Action Committee (AGC PAC) is a powerful construction industry fund that empowers AGC member company employees to make their voices heard and influence the political process.

In the face of active political involvement by industry opponents and competitors advocating for their interests, it is crucial to safeguard the construction industry's priorities and the livelihoods it supports. To protect the construction industry and the people who depend on it, active political engagement is necessary, and that’s why AGC PAC exists.

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Supporting Candidates Who Defend and Advance the Construction Industry

AGC PAC is a non-partisan political action committee that backs federal candidates, irrespective of party affiliation, who advocate for the construction industry and advance our legislative agenda. Through voluntary donations, AGC PAC pools resources to support candidates running who understand the unique needs and interests of AGC member companies and their employees.

An AGC-member driven board follows these guidelines when selecting candidates to support:

  • Candidates must seek election to the U.S. House of Representatives or Senate.
  • Preference is given to congressional leaders and members of committees that handle legislation likely to impact the industry as well as those with a connection to construction.
  • Challengers and first-time candidates who support our priorities will be considered over incumbents who vote against AGC and industry interests.

Check out some of the candidates AGC PAC supports:

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Lloyd Smucker


Representative Smucker, a former contractor, introduced the Essential Workers for Economic Advancement Act, which would create a new market-driven, temporary immigration visa program for less skilled, year-round, non-agriculture occupations.

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Rick Larsen


Representative Larsen is an advocate for improving the nation’s infrastructure and championed increased funding for airport runways and taxiways in the FAA Reauthorization.

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Shelley Moore Capito


Senator Capito is a champion of infrastructure and advocated for the Fiscal Responsibility Act, which included the most impactful federal environmental review and permitting reforms in over 40 years.

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Don Davis


Representative Davis crossed party lines to support the Congressional Review Act to overturn the Joint Employer Rule and subsequent veto override attempt and supports a bill to limit green card backlog.

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Nicole Malliotakis


Representative Malliotakis crossed party lines to support the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which provided the most significant infusion of investment in our infrastructure since the mid-1950’s.

Your Involvement Makes a Difference

With four decades of unwavering support for pro-construction candidates, AGC PAC has firmly established itself as a highly successful political action committee in Washington, D.C. Our steadfast determination and commitment in the political arena have earned us widespread recognition and respect on Capitol Hill, placing us among the top 100 trade association PACs in the nation.

AGC PAC is funded solely by personal donations. Without sufficient resources, the PAC is unable to sustain its support each cycle for the most at-risk pro-construction candidates and maintain its backing for industry champions.

Just as industry professionals generously donate to places of worship, children's schools, universities, and local non-profits, they understand the value of investing in their families, alma maters, and communities. Similarly, supporting AGC PAC through a personal donation is an investment in your industry and, more importantly, in the advancement of your own career.

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Donate to Make a Difference for the Construction Industry

Contributions to AGC PAC are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions to AGC PAC are for political purposes. All contributions to AGC PAC are voluntary. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Contribution guidelines are only suggestions; you are free to contribute more, less, or not at all and AGC will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount of their contribution or their decision not to contribute.

AGC will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount of their contribution or their decision not to contribute. Federal law requires political committees to report the name, address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. Corporate donations are prohibited.