On Oct. 23, the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration began full enforcement of its respirable crystalline silica standard for construction. To help educate members, AGC developed the “Respirable Crystalline Silica in Construction” webpage with a host of resources—sample forms, webinars, flowcharts, FAQs, and more—to help AGC members understand their compliance responsibilities.
Most recently, AGC developed a silica inspection reporting form to track enforcement. OSHA has not yet released the standard’s companion compliance directive and their interim enforcement guidance is incomplete. AGC believes that this could result in inconsistent enforcement across regions. If your site has been subjected to an OSHA silica compliance inspection or silica compliance was assessed as part of another OSHA inspection, please consider sharing the details of the inspection with AGC by completing this form. No identifying information will be collected. AGC will report the findings to OSHA’s national office and use it to continue our advocacy efforts on behalf of the regulated community.
For more information, contact Nazia Shah at (703) 837-5409 or [email protected].
AGC Silica Standard Resources to Help Members Understand Compliance Responsibilities
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