On Dec. 19, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) released the latest version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
The MUTCD establishes uniform national criteria for the use of traffic control devices that meet the needs and expectancy of road users on all streets, highways, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and site roadways open to public travel. It is a “compilation of national standards for all traffic control devices, including road markings, highway signs, and traffic signals.” Due to advances in technology and changes in transportation needs it is updated periodically.
AGC filed comments nearly two years ago asking the agency to stress work zone safety in the updated MUTCD. This also comes at a time where AGC’s work zone safety survey shows that 55% of construction companies experienced cars crashing into their roadway work zones.
AGC staff is reviewing the technical changes made in the 1,161-page document and will provide updates shortly.
For more information, contact Deniz Mustafa at [email protected] or Alex Etchen at [email protected].
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