WRDA 2022 will create jobs, improve the quality of life for all Americans, protect our communities, facilitate waterborne commerce, restore environmentally sensitive areas of the country, and help grow our economy.
On May 4, the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee passed the bipartisan Water Resources and Development Act of 2022 (WRDA 2022).
The move is an essential step forward as Congress works to continue the biennial process of passing legislation that invests in our nation's water resources infrastructure. The predictability of the biennial passage of water resources development acts is critical for all stakeholders involved in the planning and execution of water resources projects.
WRDA 2022 will create jobs, improve the quality of life for all Americans, protect our communities, facilitate waterborne commerce, restore environmentally sensitive areas of the country, and help grow our economy. AGC supports the legislation and thanks Committee Chairman Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Ranking Member Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) for demonstrating that Congress can find bipartisan solutions to address America's infrastructure needs.
Download AGC's summary of the legislation. Additional updates are forthcoming as this legislation advances through the process.
For more information, contact Alex Etchen at [email protected] or Jordan Howard at [email protected].
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