AGC Highlights Mental Health at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting

The 2024 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting’s plenary session highlighted efforts from across the construction industry to promote healthy mental well-being in the workforce.

The 2024 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting’s plenary session featured a fireside chat on the importance of mental wellness in the construction industry. The discussions between Travis McCarthy of Sundt Construction, Peter Tateishi of AGC of California, and Sharareh (Sherri) Kermanshachi of Penn State Harrisburg highlighted the efforts that the construction industry has been undertaking at a contractor, research, and industry level to promote healthy mental well-being in the industry’s workforce.

The discussion, held in front of thousands of researchers and stakeholders in the transportation industry, focused on effective methods of reaching out to the workforce, the benefits of promoting mental health and suicide prevention programs at various levels, and the work that still needs to be done to address the silent epidemic of suicide within the construction industry. As part of the discussion, the participants highlighted AGC of America’s recent partnership with Youturn Health, Mental Health PSAs, and the tools that the AGC Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Task Force has compiled.

To find out more about the resources that AGC of America provides in promoting mental well-being in the workplace, you can click here. To watch a recording of the TRB Plenary Session, you can click here.

For more information, contact Nazia Shah at [email protected] or (703) 837-5409.

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