AGC Working for Federal Contractors

AGC is working to block unfeasible environmental mandates while aiming to advance efforts to improve change order processing for federal contractors on the defense bill.

The House of Representatives and the Senate are currently negotiating a final conference bill for the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2024. (H.R. 2670, S. 226).  On September 8, AGC urged Congress to support provisions that will positively impact the construction industry and to block those that will be harmful. Among others, AGC is advocating for:

  • Blocking unfeasible federal contractor reporting requirements on greenhouse gas emissions;
  • Prohibiting making permanent the “loser pays” cost for denied bid protests;
  • Extending temporary program for inflation relief on certain contractors;
  • Increased authority to include economic price adjustment in contracts and options;
  • Requiring the federal government to create a dashboard of known “PFAS” substances; and
  • Rejecting additional review processes for projects executed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Congress has passed the NDAA for about 60 consecutive years and it is considered must-pass legislation, which is why AGC is taking seriously any attempt to add harmful construction policy to it.  AGC will continue to advocate for contractor priorities as the House and Senate conference their versions of the NDAA.  

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