AGC Responds to Secretary Buttigieg’s Workforce Comments

AGC used Secretary Buttigieg’s comments about the construction workforce as a springboard to initiate a dialogue with the Department of Transportation and the Biden administration to identify how the construction industry might work together to address the lack of skills-building programs in the educational system so that more students are exposed to and prepared for careers in construction.

Recently Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg addressed the National Association of Counties to discuss infrastructure investments and other issues. During Secretary Buttigieg’s remarks he lamented that the construction workers building infrastructure projects do not look like the people who live in the communities where the project is located.

In response to this comment, AGC has initiated a dialogue with the Department of Transportation and the Biden Administration to identify why that may be so and how the industry might work together to address the lack of skills-building programs in the educational system so that more students are exposed to and prepared for careers in construction. To read the letter AGC sent to Secretary Buttigieg, click here.

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