California Passes Measure to Dedicate Gas Tax Revenues to Transportation Funding

This week, Californians overwhelmingly – 80.38 percent to 19.61 percent – passed Proposition 69 (Prop 69), which requires revenue from the recent state gas tax increase, as enacted last year by Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), be used for transportation related purposes only.  The passage of Prop 69 is significant because it takes away a key argument from those in California who are attempting to repeal SB 1 – by claiming that the Legislature will divert the funds for other purposes throughout the state, as it has in the past.
AGC of California, AGC of San Diego and their members, along with other transportation stakeholders, are waging a serious battle against these efforts that would ultimately remove the $5.2B estimated to be generated annually by SB1, in addition to requiring any future increase in gas taxes or vehicle fees to go in front of the general public for a vote. Industry is projecting that $40 million will be necessary to fight the repeal efforts that are being driven by California Republicans, including Gubernatorial Candidate John Cox, who secured a spot on the November ballot in the primaries this week.  More information on SB 1 repeal can be found here and  here.
For more information, contact Sean O’Neill at [email protected] or (202) 547-8892.

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