Feds to Invest $139 Billion in Construction for FY 2018

How Much Funding will go to Your Construction Markets?
At AGC’s urging, Congress invested $18.5 billion (15 percent) more in FY 2018 federal construction accounts than FY 2017 as part of the federal government funding bill enacted March 23. The funding measure allocates a total of $139 billion for a wide range of construction investment (click here for a breakdown of federal construction accounts).  This funding comes in addition to the at least $21 billion (see chart here) allocated for disaster aid construction projects enacted as part of the Bipartisan Budget Act in February.
About half of that $139 billion figure—$69 billion—goes to highway and transportation construction; $10 billion for various military construction accounts and $6 billion for Army Corps Civil Works programs; $7 billion for low-income housing and development programs; and $4 billion for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure. Congress also funded $1.6 billion for pre-Trump administration border fence projects. The bill language essentially bars the president from using the funds toward construction of a border wall or using the wall prototypes constructed outside of San Diego.
To find state and project specific funding information for direct federal agency projects (not state departments of transportation projects), construction contractors can turn to the various explanatory statements—listed here—of the various parts of the 2,232 page funding bill. Within those explanatory texts is a wealth of information detailing project specific funding, often by state.
For more information, contact Jimmy Christianson at [email protected]

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